CI HUB Connector release Version 1.2.11
In the last 4 weeks we have released 2 new versions (actual plugin version 1.1.96 and application...
Am 14. September 2022 veranstaltete apollon, führender Software-Anbieter für Marketing-Automatisierung und Produktdaten-Kommunikation, zum zehnten Mal das hauseigene Event rund um Marketing und E-Commerce. Vertreter aus Firmen, Agenturen und Beratungsunternehmen konnten sich exklusiv zum Thema Customer Experience austauschen.
Besonders im Fokus stand die gesamtheitliche Betrachtung der Customer Experience.
Dieses Video zeigt den Vortrag von Gerd Glaser, Head of Customer Success, CI HUB GmbH. Wie gelingt es, Daten aus Online Media Net (OMN) genau da zu haben, wo man sie benötigt? Egal, ob beispielsweise in der Adobe Creative Cloud, Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, Figma, Sketch, Wordpress und sogar Management Anwendungen wie Workfront oder Asana ...?
CSO, Chief Sales OfficerGerd Glaser has 25 years of experience in the marketing and communications industry. He has worked as a founder and managing director of agencies and as an external consultant for leading companies. He has extensive knowledge of digital asset management, workflow management and is an expert on Adobe products.
In the last 4 weeks we have released 2 new versions (actual plugin version 1.1.96 and application...
Work smarter, not harder. It’s the goal of every aspiring and creative company, but it can seem...
CI HUB is now one of the fully integrated marketing tools in Dropbox. CI HUB can now offer a wider...