CI HUB Drive: Make Brand a Team Sport

Every team member can help expand your brand. Make sure they have easy access to it with their DAM right on their Desktop.

Get CI HUB Drive

Make your brand assets accessible from MacOS Finder and Windows Explorer with CI HUB Drive.

Accessing your DAM remotely can be a pain, as there is only one point of entry. Hundreds of people might be trying to log in at the same time, but needing to access different files. This can lead to a very long waiting time.

What if you could make every single Digital Asset inside your DAM an access point? 

This is exactly what CI HUB Drive does.

CI HUB Drive mirrors your DAM structure and access permissions directly in Windows Explorer and MacOS Finder. The result? Your entire organization can access the brand assets stored in your DAM or file storage system - directly from their desktop.

This even works with multiple DAMs, PIMs, MAMs, Cloud Storage, Stock providers, etc.

What does a DAM Drive do?

A DAM Drive works by virtually mounting the company’s asset management systems in the MacOS Finder and Microsoft Explorer. This enables users to locate, use and synchronize files without leaving the desktop. Your access permissions are also mirrored, allowing your entire company to work faster, smarter, and more accurately.

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connect your dam, pim and cloud storage platforms with CI HUB Drive to Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X

Core Features

Real-Time, Parallel File Synchronization: Instantly synchronise files across multiple repositories.

Unlimited Volume Mounting: Connect and manage an unlimited number of file storage or DAM volumes.

Full File Management Support: Perform essential file-system actions like upload, download, rename, move, and delete.

Dynamic Search Capabilities: Quickly locate assets with a comprehensive volume library search based on dynamic search folders.

Unlimited Storage with Dynamic Eviction: Leverage OS storage management to dynamically manage space.

Contextual Actions for Greater Control: Use quick actions like Reveal, Refresh, and Reload to manage your files more intuitively.

Drag-and-Drop: Instantly move assets into your work apps by dragging them from a Mac or Windows Explorer window.

Keyword Metadata Synchronization: Benefit from metadata synchronization indexed by the OS search engine (e.g., Spotlight), enhancing your search efficiency. (Mac Only)

DAM File Status Synchronization: Keep your files consistently updated with real-time DAM file status synchronisation. (Mac Only)

Access your DAM from your Desktop

Use what you know
Your DAM is now a living documentation tool for the entire enterprise. Mac or Windows - it doesn't matter. Stay productive and brand compliant.
Access made easy
Make every single asset stored in your DAM an access point. Get what you want, right from your desktop, whenever you need it.
Brand is company wide
No need to fire up Photoshop, or log in to your DAM to get the latest logo, or new imagery. Whatever you need, CI HUB Drive makes it easy to self-serve.
Legal Departments love it

Make sure that every image you buy is used and when the rights change, you are warned!


Update folders remotely
Store a folder linked directly to your DAM on your desktop and when there are updates, it will be pushed automatically.
At CI HUB, we ensure the highest levels of security and compliance with all data privacy regulations to keep you and your data protected at all times.

DAM on Desktop

  • Integrate CI HUB Drive into your Windows Explorer and MacOS Finder
  • Make your brand accessible to your entire company worldwide, and in an intuitive way. We all know how Explorer and Finder work, so no need for onboarding!
  • Your DAM can be a place where work gets done, not just where finished work is stored.
CI HUB Drive for Mac OS and Windows

Host systems

Available with full features:

  • Google Drive
  • Sharepoint
  • Box
  • OneDrive
  • Dropbox
  • AEM




Mac OS Finder
Click to Download
Windows Explorer
Coming Soon
Mac OS Finder
Click to Download
Windows Explorer
Coming Soon

What if I have a CI HUB ID already?

In this case just fill out the form below and we will guide you through the installation process.


What if I don´t have a CI HUB ID?

Sign up on our User Registration page to create your CI HUB ID.

CI HUB Drive for Mac OS and Windows

Try out CI HUB Drive for Mac OS today or get on the Waiting List for CI HUB Drive for Windows!

What is the CI HUB Connector?

CI HUB simplifies workflows in marketing, sales, and documentation. But what make our Connector unique? The CI HUB Connector facilitates direct access to digital assets within 17 applications.

Although it is only a simple add-in, it is tremendously beneficial for increased productivity. The automated transfer of data to and from systems within the app allows you to focus on important tasks and create better content with improved accuracy.

CI HUB connects your preferred application to any supported digital asset management system, work management system, or cloud service of your choice. With the Connector, you can stay in sync with your asset database and access projects and documents from anywhere. Likewise, you can easily make your content available for company-wide use by saving it to any source system.


Get started with CI HUB Drive

Already using the CI HUB Connector?

Fill out the form to install CI HUB Drive here.

Need a new account?

Sign up and create a new CI HUB account sign-up form, then install CI HUB Drive.

Any questions on how to use CI HUB Drive?

Please visit our FAQ section.

CI HUB. One simple access to all your Adobe Creative Cloud applications and more.

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