Terms & Conditions

General Terms and Conditions

Revision information and Version info to be found here:

Version 2.0       Revision: 0        Date: 11.09.2023          Initial Version

1. Description of Service

CI HUB GmbH(“CI HUB”) is entered in the commercial register of the District Court of Potsdam under HRB 31924P, Benkertstraße 4, 14467 Potsdam. The service offered by CI HUB (“CI HUB Service”) is a central service which can be used by a person with a CI HUB ID (“CI HUB User”) that was obtained through the creation of an account with CI HUB. CI HUB Users can access various third-party systems (hereafter “CI HUB System Vendor”), which hold, make available, and store digital assets such as photos, videos, templates, texts, graphics, etc. CI HUB Service is provided over the internet for the duration of an acquired license. These CI HUB Service License Terms apply to the relations between CI HUB and the CI HUB User regarding the CI HUB Service. By ordering the CI HUB Service, the customer agrees to these Terms and Conditions. By using the CI HUB Service, the CI HUB User also agrees to these Terms and Conditions should the customer and CI HUB User differ. CI HUB reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions for objective reasons (changes to laws, changes to the structure of CI HUB and or their partners or technical changes to the CI HUB Service). Should the customer find the change materially unacceptable, the customer shall contact CI HUB detailing the objection within one month. CI HUB may then terminate the license and contract of that customer at their own discretion.
CI HUB System Vendors may include Pixelboxx, Dropbox, Bynder, Picturepark, Adobe Stock, Brandfolder, Celum, gettyimages, iStock, Sitefusion, eyebase, BrandMaster, myview, Google Drive, Adobe Stock or other providers of PIMs (Product Information Management Systems), MAMs (Media Asset Management Systems), DAMs (Digital Asset Management Systems), etc. The CI HUB System Vendors use APIs to connect to the CI HUB Service. CI HUB may connect additional, remove, or modify connections of CI HUB System Vendors to the CI HUB Service without notice to or approval of the Reseller.
Customer and User acknowledge CI HUB System Vendors act independently and are not vicarious agents of CI HUB GmbH. CI HUB cannot be held responsible if the services of the CI HUB are deficient, the CI HUB System Vendors fail to provide the CI HUB System Vendor systems (in entirety or in part) and/or if the CI HUB System Vendor systems cannot be used by CI HUB users as presented. The customer will conclude separate agreements with the CI HUB System Vendors regarding the use of the CI HUB System Vendors’ services.

2. Provision of the CI HUB Service

2.1 The CI HUB Service is only provided CI HUB Users and customers that are natural persons or legal entities or partnerships with legal capacity, which are acting in their commercial or independent professional capacity when they conclude a license (sec. 14 (1) BGB (German Civil Code)). In the context of concluding a CI HUB license, the licensees must warrant that they belong to the group of persons described above.

2.2 CI HUB Cloud infrastructures: During the term of a license, CI HUB will provide the CI HUB customer (or the CI HUB Users authorised by the same) with access to the CI HUB Service via the internet in the context of a Cloud that is managed by a Cloud operator (hereafter “Cloud operator”). The current Cloud operator is Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA with its Azure service. CI HUB may offer additional CI HUB Cloud infrastructures. In that case, the customer may choose the Cloud infrastructure for using the CI HUB Service, which may incur additional costs.

2.3 The “CI HUB software,” which is operated as the CI HUB Service, refers to the current version that is enhanced and maintained by CI HUB at its discretion. To the extent that the CI HUB software is modified in the context of enhancements and/or maintenance, which results in the need to enter new user names and/or passwords, CI HUB will inform the customer and the CI HUB users as soon as possible.

2.5 User administration via Okta Inc.: In the context of user registration, and to manage customer / user identities, CI HUB uses the User Management System of Okta Inc., 301 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94107 United States. This user management system only stores the data that the user has provided and that is required to operate the CI HUB system. Okta Inc. also manages the user IDs of the customer / the CI HUB users. Details regarding Okta Inc. can be found at https://www.okta.com . Details regarding data privacy at Okta Inc. are available at https://www.okta.com/gdpr/  and https://www.okta.com/ trustandcompliance. CI HUB reserves the right to change the method and service providers associated with user administration.

2.6 Payment processing via Paddle Ltd.: CI HUB has engaged Paddle.com Market Limited, 15 Briery Close, Great Oakley, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN18 8JG, United Kingdom, to provide payment processing services. Paddle is responsible for all payments processing, invoicing etc. vis-a-vis the customer. Details regarding Paddle Ltd. can be found at https://paddle.com/ . Details regarding data privacy at Paddle Ltd. are available at https://paddle.com/gdpr and https://paddle.com/privacy. CI HUB reserves the right to change the method and service providers associated with payment processing.

2.7 CRM via HubSpot Inc.: CI HUB Users and customer data maybe stored in the systems of the CRM provider HubSpot Inc., 25 First Street, Cambridge, MA 02141 USA. Only the e-mail address, surname and first name must be stored to provide the CI HUB Service. All other data is voluntarily provided by the CI HUB User or customer. Details regarding HubSpot Inc. can be found at www.hubspot.com. Details regarding data privacy at HubSpot Inc. are available at https://www.hubspot.com/data-privacy/gdpr and https://legal.hubspot.com/privacy-policy . CI HUB reserves the right to change the method and service providers associated with CRM.

2.8 CI HUB GmbH: CI HUB also stores data that is generated during the use of the system. This data contains anonymised information about the use of the CI HUB system, its operation and the functions performed by the CI HUB users when they use the CI HUB system. This anonymised data is only used for the steady improvement of the CI HUB system and to offer new services.

2.9 Protection of access data: The customer / CI HUB Users are responsible for ensuring that their selected passwords are protected within their own spheres. The customer / CI HUB Users warrants that passwords that are used to access the CI HUB Service are not passed on to others. The customer/ CI HUB Users warrants that he will report any unauthorised use of the CI HUB Service using his password, or the password of a CI HUB User authorised by him, if he becomes aware of such an incident.

3. License

3.1 Scope of the license: CI HUB provides the customer with a license to the extent that the agreed number of registered and named CI HUB Users can simultaneously access the CI HUB Service during the term of the license. The customer will commit his authorised CI HUB Users to only use the CI HUB Service as per their agreement.

3.2 Term of the license: The standard term of a license for the use of the CI HUB Service is 12 months (hereafter “minimum license term”). The license is automatically renewed for another 12 months unless the customer terminates the license at the end of the minimum license term or at the end of a subsequent license period with a notice period of one month. Before the license expires, the customer will receive a notification regarding the upcoming renewal of the license at the applicable price pursuant to CI HUB’s price list, which can be viewed at www.ci-hub.com. The customer’s termination must be sent to sales@ci-hub.com .

4.Service Level

CI HUB will make the CI HUB Service available 365 days a year and 24 hours a day, with a guaranteed availability of 98.5%.

5. License fee

The annual license fee follows from the applicable price list of CI HUB. The fee must be paid for each license in advance.

6. Support

CI HUB GmbH will be available to answer questions related to the use of the CI HUB Service that are submitted by the customer and his authorised CI HUB users during weekdays (but not on German statutory holidays). Support is provided on-line using the support form, which the customer or CI HUB user must complete and send to CI HUB GmbH. Only support related to the Ci Hub Service is incl. in the fee. Other Support can be charged based on the applicable price list of CI HUB GmbH.

7. Liability

CI HUB only assumes liability for ordinary negligence in the event that CI HUB, its statutory representatives, managing employees or vicarious agents breach an essential contractual obligation. In such cases, CI HUB only assumes liability for the foreseeable damages that must typically be expected. Essential contractual obligations are those obligations that form the basis for the contract, which were essential for concluding the contract, and in the fulfilment of which the customer may trust. Notwithstanding the previous provision, CI HUB assumes unlimited liability for damages from injury to life, body or health caused by CI HUB, its statutory representatives, managing employees or vicarious agents.

8. Applicable law / place of jurisdiction

Solely German law shall apply to all disputes from or in connection with the license that is provided to the customer. Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany, shall be the exclusive (and also international) place of jurisdiction for all disputes from or in connection with the license provided to the customer, insofar as the customer is a merchant (sec. 1 HGB (German Commercial Code)), a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, or if the customer does not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany.

9. Identification as a reference customer

By ordering the CI HUB Service, the customer agrees that CI HUB may identify him as a reference customer on the CI HUB website, in the company’s corporate and product brochures, in presentations and offers, and in solitication letters, proposals and other correspondences. This only applies to the extent that the customer is a merchant (sec. 1 HGB). The customer may object to being identified as a reference customer by sending an e-mail to sales@ci-hub.com . In this case a reference customer pricing is not available.

10. Force majeure

In the event of unusual and unforeseen events that the party claiming a force majeure event could not anticipate, and the occurrence of which it could not influence or the consequences of which it could not prevent despite the required diligence (hereafter “force majeure”), the party shall be released from its service obligation for the duration of the force majeure. In that case, the other party is entitled to an extraordinary right of termination if the force majeure event lasts more than one month. Additional claims by the other party are excluded. Force majeure events include war, strikes, lock-outs, fire, flooding, other natural disasters, epidemics and pandemics.

11. Severability clause

In the event that provisions of these Terms and Conditions are found to be invalid or infeasible, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The parties commit to replace invalid or infeasible provisions with valid provisions that most closely correspond to the business purport of the invalid or infeasible provisions. The same applies in the case of a loophole.

Terms and Conditions for Resellers

Revision information and Version info to be found here:

Version 2.0       Revision: 1   Date: 11.08.2024          Initial Version

1. Overview

Please read these Terms and Conditions for Resellers carefully before agreeing to the Quote and/or become a CI HUB Reseller.
These Terms and Conditions for Resellers including any and all relevant Exhibits, along with the Quote as agreed to by CI HUB GmbH (“CI HUB”) and the counter party identified in the quote (“Reseller” and jointly as “Parties”) constitutes the full agreement (“Agreement”) between the Parties for the sale and marketing of CI HUB products and services as defined below (“Products”).
The Agreement replaces any previous agreements between the Parties concerning the sale and marketing of CI HUB Products.
In the event that the Quote and the Terms and Conditions for Resellers become in conflict, the agreed upon Quote shall take precedence.
CI HUB reserves the right to change, modify, or update the Terms and Conditions for Resellers and all Exhibits with a general notice one (1) month in advance of such changes taking effect. After such period these changes shall be deemed immaterial or acceptable and shall become binding.
(A) CI HUB has developed and owns all rights to the Product and Services, a SaaS Solution that simplifies the management of digital assets by providing a unified interface that allows easy access, management and use of digital assets across multiple applications and platforms as set out in Clause 2;
(B) CI HUB has the exclusive right to grant the Reseller rights to commercialise the Product and Services described below;
(C) The purpose of the Agreement is to grant the Reseller the right to market, promote and sell the Product and services to end-users (the “Customers”) and the right to use the intellectual property rights in connection with such actions, subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement.

2. Reseller

The Reseller shall, at all times, maintain a business undertaking independently of CI HUB. The Reseller shall act in its own name and on its own account. The Reseller shall not be entitled to act as an agent or attorney for the CI HUB, and the Reseller will ensure that it does not directly or indirectly appear as such in relation to any third parties.
The Reseller’s right to market, promote and sell the Product and Services is non-exclusive. The Reseller acknowledges and accepts that the CI HUB has the right to market, promote and sell the integration (https://ci-hub.com/integrations) and to appoint other Resellers (“Non-exclusive relationship").
The rights given to the Reseller in the Agreement are provided "as is". The Reseller is not allowed to make any warranties to Customers or Potential Customers on behalf of CI HUB, as stated elsewhere in the Agreement.
Customer means a previous potential customer that ordered a CI HUB license by themself directly, or via Reseller.
Potential Customer means an individual, group or department within an organization, which is interested in licensing the CI HUB Connector.
The Reseller represents and warrants to CI HUB that it has the right, power, and authority to enter into the Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder.

3. Description of the of THE CI HUB Service

The service offered by CI HUB (“CI HUB Service”) is a central service which can be used by a person with a CI HUB ID (“CI HUB User”) that was obtained through the creation of an account with CI HUB. CI HUB Users can access various third-party systems (hereafter “CI HUB System Vendor”), which hold, make available, and store digital assets such as photos, videos, templates, texts, graphics, etc.
CI HUB System Vendors may include Pixelboxx, Dropbox, Bynder, Picturepark, Adobe Stock, Brandfolder, Celum, gettyimages, iStock, Sitefusion, eyebase, BrandMaster, myview, Google Drive, Adobe Stock or other providers of PIMs (Product Information Management Systems), MAMs (Media Asset Management Systems), DAMs (Digital Asset Management Systems), etc. The CI HUB System Vendors use APIs to connect to the CI HUB Service. CI HUB may connect additional, remove, or modify connections of CI HUB System Vendors to the CI HUB Service without notice to or approval of the Reseller.

4. Commitment

The Reseller agrees to the following:
Act with diligence, devoting reasonable time and effort to fulfil the duties described herein;
Maintain reasonable expertise and practical knowledge with regard to the service;
Provide the first line technical support and assistance as necessary to facilitate the communication with Customers as described below;
Promptly respond to all communications by Customers and CI HUB regarding the Service;
Prepare and maintain any reports and documentation regarding the CI HUB Service, as requested by CI HUB;
Honour outlined ethical codes to ensure sensitive and confidential information remains secure and protected;
Reseller shall actively market and sell the Products through its sales organisation by actively approaching potential customers, advertising and marketing, including on the Reseller’s website;
Reseller is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information provided to the customers. The Reseller is responsible for ensuring that the information it provides to CI HUB is free of errors, and up to date;
Reseller is responsible for ensuring that it has the right to submit information about the customers to CI HUB and its suppliers, or if needed information to create an CI HUB ID.
Reseller will not claim to be an agent, legal representative, or employee of CI HUB nor imply any connection with CI HUB, except as explicitly stated in the Agreement.
Reseller is not authorised to make any legally binding statements, promises, or warranties on behalf of CI HUB or regarding the Product.
Reseller agrees to CI HUB’s Terms & Conditions as published online https://ci-hub.com/terms.

5. Appointment of Reseller

Authorisation and Appointment. Company hereby authorises and appoints Reseller and Reseller accepts the appointment, as a non-exclusive Reseller and independent contractor.

6. Duties of Reseller

1. Sales & Order Processing
Resellers are responsible for ensuring that both Potential Customers and Customers are informed and agree to CI HUB's Terms and Conditions, which can be found on our website at https://ci-hub.com/terms.
To become a Customer, a Potential Customer must first purchase a licence. The Reseller has the option to purchase the Productlicence on behalf of the Customer.
Reseller agrees to have relevant members of their organizationregister for the SalesClub Portal found at https://salesclub.ci-hub.com/.
Reseller agrees to submit purchase orders via the license management system which is accessible in the SalesClubPortal. Reseller acknowledges that submitting orders which are incomplete (e.g., missing a Main Contact person) or mistaken may result in errors in processing the order and or issuing the license.
Reseller acknowledges that CI HUB utilises third party providersfor invoicing and payment processing, and which may be a trusted third-party merchant of record on behalf of CI HUB.
If the SalesClub Portal is not accessible, the Reseller can submit a written order by email to: order@ci-hub.com . This should not be used if the SalesClub Portal is accessible. CI HUB reserves the right to charge additional fees for orders submitted in this manner if access to the license management system via the Sales Club Portal is available.
CI HUB reserves the right to decline any orders for any reason.
Reseller agrees to follow the pricing terms in Exhibit A

2. Marketing
The Reseller is committed to making every effort to effectively market and promote the Product in accordance with the Agreement. Additionally, the Reseller agrees to endorse CI HUB to its current, future, and potential customers as being deemed suitable.

The Reseller is committed to making every effort to carry out and join in the initial marketing and promotional activities outlined in Exhibit B (“Marketing”).

Reseller shall publish precise product details of the CI HUB Connector on their website and prominently display an official logo indicating their status as an authorised CI HUB Reseller.

The Reseller has the permission to modify and translate marketing materials found at the Sales Club (https://salesclub.ci-hub.com/)into different languages.

Reseller acknowledges the requirement to stay informed about product news and updates, which are regularly posted on www.CI-HUB.com and the Sales Club portal. These updates may encompass various forms of information, such as text, images, videos, and more.

Resellers may be given special access to early news and Product information by CI HUB from time to time. It is expected that resellers will honour the embargoed dates and refrain from publishing before the scheduled release.

The Reseller hereby agrees to promptly edit, update, or remove any content related to CI HUB, specifically the CI HUB Connector, as requested by CI HUB in their website or any other marketing communications.
Reseller agrees to the additional marketing terms in Exhibit B

3. Training and Certification

Reseller commits to participating in an initial training session as well as a minimum of two Sales Club Workshops each year. These sessions will provide valuable insights into the advantages of new features and their value to Customers. CI HUB will use reasonable endeavours to provide training for Reseller as specified in Exhibit C.

Reseller must be ready to showcase the CI HUB Connector to a Potential Customer or Customer upon their request. This includes being available to demonstrate the Productwhen asked by a Potential Customer or a CI HUB employee.

Resellers who sign the Agreementand can show the Product will receive an official CI HUB authorised Reseller certificate and logo with the right to display it for as long as an active agreement exists between the parties.

Reseller agrees to the additional training and support terms in Exhibit C.

4. Competing Products
Reseller agrees to use all reasonable endeavours, in good faith, to advise CI HUB of its promotion, marketing, or distribution of any new Competing Product(s) within thirty (30) days from the start of the promotion, marketing or distribution. “Competing Product” means a product offering similar functionality to the Product or which has reasonable possibility of being purchased instead of the Product.

Reseller will promote the Product in a balanced and equitable manner as compared to any Competing Product.

If Reseller chooses to promote a Competing Product, then CI HUB reserves the right to cancel the contact at any time. In such an event, no refunds or repayment shall be granted to the Reseller.

7. Confidential Information

Parties shall protect the other's Confidential Information from unauthorised dissemination and use the same degree of care that such Party uses to protect its own information. Neither Party shall disclose to third parties the other's Confidential Information without the prior written consent of the other Party. Neither Party shall use the other's Confidential Information for purposes other than those necessary to directly further the purposes of the Agreement . Each employee or agent of Reseller, performing duties hereunder, shall be made aware of the Agreement and shall execute a document that binds said employee or agent of Reseller to the same level of confidentiality contained herein.

8. Ownership of Intellectual Property

Reseller hereby agrees and acknowledges that CI HUB, its suppliers, partners and licensors (if any), own and shall retain all right, title and interest in and to (a) the SaaS , Product and Services (including all copies and derivative works thereof, by whomever produced), and associated Product documentation, including all intellectual property rights embodied therein; (b) all the service marks, trademarks, trade names or any other designations, and (c) all copyrights, patent rights, trade secret rights, and other proprietary rights in the Product, and Reseller shall have no rights with respect thereto other than the limited rights expressly set forth in the Agreement.

9. Term and Termination

This agreement takes effect upon acceptance of the Quote by CI HUB and is valid for a minimum period of 12 months and will continue to renew automatically for consecutive 12 month terms unless otherwise specified differently in the Quote. The agreement is automatically renewed for another 12 months unless the System Vendor terminates the agreement at the end of the minimum license term or at the end of a subsequent license period with a notice period of min. 90 days. Before the agreement expires, the System Vendor can receive a notification regarding the upcoming renewal of the agreement at the applicable price pursuant to CI HUB’s price list, which can be viewed at www.ci-hub.com. The termination must be sent to CI HUB GmbH, Benkertstrasse 4, 14467 Potsdam, Germany or sales@ci-hub.com
CI HUB shall be authorised to suspend the fulfilment of the obligations under the Agreement or to dissolve the agreement in the event that: - the Reseller does not (fully) fulfil or timely fulfil its obligations resulting from the agreement; - after the agreement has been concluded, CI HUB learns of circumstances given good ground to fear that the Reseller will not fulfil its obligations; - the Reseller was asked to furnish security to guarantee the fulfilment of its obligations resulting from the agreement when the contract was concluded and that this security has not been provided or is insufficient; - as a result of delay on the part of the other party CI HUB can no longer be expected to fulfil its obligations under the originally agreed upon conditions, CI HUB is entitled to dissolve the agreement.
The agreement can be terminated by CI HUB immediately for crucial reasons including, but no limited to bankruptcy, liquidation, judicial management, receivership, or act of insolvency.

10. Anti-Bribery

The Reseller and its Subsidiaries, Affiliates and their Beneficial Owners, officers, directors, managers and employees shall at all times comply with all applicable laws, statutes and regulations relating to anti-bribery, anti-corruption and anti-money laundering, and the business integrity policies, if any, adopted by the CI HUB and notified to the Reseller.

11. Indemnification

Reseller shall indemnify and hold Company harmless from and against any and all damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) which Company incurs as a result of any claim based on any breach of any representation or warranty, covenant or agreement by Reseller under the Agreement or any breach of the Agreement by Reseller.

12. Limitation of Liability

CI HUB assumes liability for ordinary negligence in the event that CI HUB, its statutory representatives, managing employees or vicarious agents breach an essential contractual obligation. In such cases, CI HUB assumes liability for the foreseeable damages that must typically be expected. Essential contractual obligations are those obligations that form the basis for the contract, which were essential for concluding the contract, and in the fulfilment of which the Party may trust. Notwithstanding the previous provision, CI HUB assumes unlimited liability for damages from injury to life, body or health caused by CI HUB, its statutory representatives, managing employees or vicarious agents.

13. General Provision

Notice. Any notices required or permitted shall be given to the appropriate Party at the address specified above, or at such other email address as the Party shall specify in writing, and shall be effective upon actual receipt.
Independent Contractors. The parties are independent contractors, and no partnership, joint venture or employee-employer relationship is created by the Agreement.
Severability. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions of the Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of the Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect.
Amendments. No change or modification of the Agreementby the Reseller or of the Quote by CI HUBwill be valid unless it is in writing and signed by each Party to the Agreement.
Force Majeure. A Party shall not be liable for any failure of or delay in the performance of the Agreement for the period that such failure or delay is due to causes beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, strikes or labour disputes, embargoes, government orders or any other force majeure event. In the event of a threatened default or default as a result of any of the above causes, the defaulting Party shall exercise its best efforts to avoid and cure such default.
Governing law. Solely German law shall apply to all disputes from or in connection with the Agreement. Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany, shall be the exclusive (and also international) place of jurisdiction for all disputes from or in connection with the Agreement, insofar as the Reseller is a merchant (sec. 1 HGB), a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, or if the Party does not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany.

Exhibit A - Pricing of Subscription Fees

Price List, Currency, and Payment Terms. The Subscription Fees can be found at https://ci-hub.com and pricing in the Sales Club portal.SRP = Suggested Retail Price.All Prices are based on the actual Pricelist of CI HUB. All prices quoted are in € Euros. CI HUB Payment Terms are 30 days from invoice date.
Volume Discounts and Site Licenses. CI HUB offers discounted pricing for teams of 15 users and more. Site Licenses for larger Customers of over 1,000 may qualify for special discountsoff the normal SRP.

‘Discounted’ or ‘volume’ pricing tiers are calculated automatically when placing orders or generating quotes online in the Sales Club online partner portal. If the portal is unavailable for any reason, then Reseller should email sales@ci-hub.com for confirmed pricing.
Notification. Pricing of Subscription Fees is subject to change at the sole discretion of CI HUB. CI HUB will use reasonable endeavours to give Reseller reasonable notice of any such pricing change prior to the change taking effect.
Customer Discount & Customer Special Offer Transparency, Passthrough. CI HUB reserves the right to offer additional Customer discounts off subscription pricing. For example, this could be through any promotional or negotiated discount. It might include special offer pricing for a Non-Profit or Registered Charity, offered by CI HUB to Reseller solely for the benefit of a Customer.

If CI HUB provides an additional discount for the Customer, then Reseller must ensure that the Customer Discount is passed though for the benefit of the Customer.

In the event of special offer pricing for a Non-Profit or Registered Charity then Reseller agrees to provide any evidence requested by CI HUB to support the agreed Special Offer.
Total Pricing Power Option
Total Pricing Power Optiongrants the Reseller the right to set the price of the CI HUB products they sell to Customers. The following restrictions apply:

- CI HUB shall receive no less than 50% of the proceeds of any license sold under this option,
- CI HUB shall receive a minimum of one (1) EURO per month per license, and
- Reseller shall not unfairly take advantage of this option by reducing the price to increase prices on other products being offered to the Customer.

CI HUB reserves the right to withdraw this option at any time with immediate effect in the event CI HUB suspects Reseller is unfairly taking advantage of this option or any of the restrictions have been violated. Informing the Reseller by email is sufficient to withdraw this option.

The Total Pricing Power Option must be specifically included in the Quote to apply.

Exhibit B - Marketing

To create a healthy partnership there will be a need to co-market the CI HUB products and what benefits it brings to mutual customers.
Reseller Marketing Programs & Collateral: As reasonable and appropriate, Reseller will integrate promotion of CI HUB products and services within Reseller’s marketing materials, website, and activities.
Promotion activities include:
Dedicated landing page to be created with a contact form
CI HUB will issue an authorised Reseller logo to be published on the Resellers’ website/s. Preferably, the homepage
Add CI HUB Connector skill to LinkedIn.
Following CI HUB Social Media pages on LinkedIn
Marketing Support: As reasonable and appropriate, CI HUB will provide Reseller with its standard marketing collateral and other standard tools to support Reseller’s sales activities.
To ensure on brand promotion, CI HUB will provide the following collateral and tools:
CI HUB presentations that show all the current use cases
Training on how the platform works.
Demo recordings
Social media templates
Quarterly webinars - updates explained and tips on how to sell.
Rebuttal document to assist sales arguments.
Sales slides
Reseller newsletter to update all Resellers on the latest news, features and advancements.
Sales Club where all the up-to-date documents, logos, images, etc. are accessible.
Cooperation: Reseller and CI HUB agree to maintain an open, collaborative communication channel during the implementation of the agreement. The Parties agree to, review performance discuss ideas and open possibilities approximately every two months.
These discussions will include:
Sales pipeline
Review previous months
Create targets for coming months
Talk about potential joint marketing opportunities.

Exhibit C - Training & Support

CI HUB will conduct a general overview training session via online conferencing or recorded for Reseller’s sales representatives, with timing to be announced by CI HUB on Sales Club. Reseller sales representatives will be trained on the general value proposition and positioning of the CI HUB Products, how to demonstrate it and the process for registering Potential Customers. Reseller and relevant personal within Reseller’s organization will complete the general overview training session within three months of signing the Agreement.
Reseller sales representatives generating leads for the CI HUB should be capable of effectively delivering the CI HUB Product’svalue proposition and must be generally knowledgeable about the CI HUB Products, its interface, advantages, and high-level functionality.
As CI HUB releases updates, upgrades or new CI HUB Products, Reseller’s applicable sales and customer facing representatives may be asked to reasonably participate in any necessary Sales Club Workshops and to become proficient in generating leads for those additional services. Reseller agrees to use all reasonable endeavours to participate in future Sales Club workshops.
. The Reseller shall be committed to promptly providing the Customer with initial technical assistance and responding to Technical Support inquiries received through calls, emails, and tickets.In the event that the Reseller's initial Technical Support is unable to resolve the Customer's issue, the Reseller agrees to escalate the matter by contacting support@CI-HUB.com and include the Customer's Contact Information, screenshots, and any other requested information in order to effectively address the Customer's issue.
CI HUB will support Reseller escalated Customer Technical Support tickets in a timely fashion and will keep Reseller updated through the duration of the Technical Support ticket being open.

Exhibit D - CI HUB OEM Connector

CI HUB Connector OEM Bundle Option.
In addition to the CI HUB Connector and as part of the overall Product, a CI HUB Connector OEM Bundle Option is also available to be licenced to customers as an option to be bundled with selected CI HUB System Vendor> software solutions.
At this time, the CI HUB Connector OEM Bundle Option is made available for all offered CI HUB Products if not stated differently in the Quote. if the following conditions have been met:
The Reseller has entered into an agreement and paid for a CI HUB Integration at the Premium Level and the Integration was completed.
The CI HUB Connector OEM Bundle Option can only be sold together with the Reseller’s software and/or the Reseller’s Premium access. CI HUB Connector OEM Bundle Option must be sold by the Reseller at an independently calculated price. This price shall be materially different from the list prices for the CI HUB Connector.
The Reseller's CI HUB Connector OEM Bundle Option must include a CI HUB Connector and its own software solution.
The name of the CI HUB Connector OEM Bundle Option must include the wording “CI HUB Connector”.
The Reseller does not offer nor advertise any products that compete with CI HUB or that offer the same or similar functionality.
The CI HUB Connector OEM Bundle Option is restricted to a pre-agreed number of applications and or services. CI HUB and the Reseller will define a list of provider services that may be used by the Customer via the CI HUB Connector OEM Bundle Option. CI HUB reserves the right to add or remove integrationsat any time. In addition, the CI HUB Connector OEM Bundle Option comes with further restrictions that CI HUB may unilaterally define or rescind at any time.
CI HUB provides the CI HUB Connector OEM Bundle Option at a considerable discount based on Reseller committing to a certain minimum number of CI HUB Connector for Adobe CC and/or Microsoft user licenses. The CI HUB Connector OEM Bundle Option shall only be available if the Reseller agrees to CI HUB’s minimum.
The Reseller accepts that all customers have the option to upgrade from anCI HUB Connector OEM Bundle Option to a full CI HUB Connector at any time. Customers may purchase the CI HUB Connector from theReseller or from any other authorised CI HUB Reseller.
CI HUB Connector OEM Bundle Option licence fees, proceeds and terms.
The latest pricelist of CI HUB can be requested at sales@ci-hub.com and are available in the Sales Club. New versions of the price list will become part of this contract 90 Days after CI HUB has announced them.
With commitments on a quantity of CI HUB Connector OEM Bundle Option, CI HUB may agree to special pricing where the CI HUB Connector OEM Bundle Option is offered to Customers as a bundled offer with quantities and pricing agreed in a separate communication >As part of the CI HUB Connector OEM Bundle Option> the Reseller agrees to participate in an annual review of the Agreement. CI HUB Connector OEM Bundle Option> license fee discounts or margins cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount or margin.

Exhibit E - Marketing Development Fund(MDF)

Marketing Development Fund: (MDF) is a fund that CI HUB offers to help Resellers with co-marketing initiatives. MDF Applications should be made through the Sales Club including supporting documentation and made as a proposal.
Eligibility Criteria:
Only Resellers with a CI HUB Integration where a maintenance fee is paid, are eligible to apply for MDF support. MDF is available to help run approved sales and marketing programs. The fund has both monetary and knowledge-based elements to it.  
Fund Allocation: MDF could be used for;
Pay Per Click Advertising on relevant platforms e.g. LinkedIn, Facebook, Google
Advertorials in approved publications
Joint webinars
Podcast advertising
YouTube advertising
Influencer sponsorships
Newsletter sponsorship
Application Process: For any MDF request the Reseller is required to submit a detailed marketing plan to support the request, the target customer or ICP, dates and deadlines, information required from participants the scope of the project and the anticipated outcomes.
The MDF application form available on the Sales Club website (or available by request) should be completed and submitted via email to MDF@ci-hub.com at least four weeks before the planned start date of the proposed initiative.
MDF Grant Review Process: Once received, the MDF Request Application will be reviewed along with other MDF proposals and where confirmation of the MDF being issued will be via email. When an MDF request is approved a unique CI HUB MDF number will be issued.
The MDF number is a unique code to support the MDF claim. MDF numbers cannot be used more than once. An MDF project might contain different cost elements to support an MDF request.
MDF Payment Limits: The MDF limit is restricted to €1,000 Euro and for 4 Claims per quarter and restricted to 50% of the annual maintenance fee.
MDF claims cannot be made by one party on behalf of a third-party. Similarly, MDF approved requests cannot be passed on to a third-party.
Invoicing and MDF Payment Once the approved MDF supported event or activity is completed, the MDF can be invoiced in Euros € quoting the CI HUB MDF approved number. Only invoices referencing the CI HUB MDF number will be accepted.
All approved MDF claims will be paid within 30 days and must be supported by receipts and other evidence to the costs incurred. If the MDF costs were in a currency other than Euros then the MDF claim value should be approved in advance by email.
MDF Reporting It is a responsibility of the Reseller to follow up on all MDF-supported activity. A Reseller should designate specific sales people to pursue any sales leads generated from the MDF supported. The number of both new sales leads and new opportunities created should be reported on within 4 weeks of the event/activity’s completion.
The Reseller should document the leads and closed sales from an MDF-supported marketing campaign. Feedback helps CI HUB evaluate the campaign's effectiveness and helps to build the business case for providing additional MDF.

Terms and Conditions for System Vendors

Revision information and Version info to be found here:

Version 2.0       Revision: 1   Date: 11.08.2024          Initial Version

1. Overview

Please read these Terms &Conditions for System Vendors carefully before agreeing to the Quote and/or become a CI HUBSystem Vendor.
These Terms & Conditions for System Vendors along with the Quote as agreed to by CI HUB GmbH (“CI HUB”) and the counter party identified in the Quote (“System Vendor” and jointly as “Parties”) constitutes the full agreement (“Agreement”) between the Parties for theintegration of the CI HUB connector and/or other CI HUB products through an API to System Vendor´s system or programs (“Integration”).
In the event that the Quote and the Terms & Conditions for System Vendors become in conflict, the agreed upon Quote shall take precedence.
CI HUB reserves the right to change, modify, or update the Terms & Conditions for Integration with a general notice one (1) month in advance of such changes taking effect. After such period these changes shall be deemed immaterial or acceptable and shall become binding.

2. Offers, Prices and Proposals

A prospective System Vendor may submit a proposal for an Integration to CI HUB (“Quote”). CI HUB shall consider a proposed Quote. A proposed Quote becomes an agreed upon Quote when CI HUB has communicated their acceptance to the System Vendor. A Quote, offer or proposal shall become void if the product to which the offer relates to is no longer available.
CI HUB shall only be bound after its acceptance. By proposing a Quote, the System Vendor accepts the Terms &Conditions for System Vendors and shall be bound by the Agreement once CI HUB informs the System Vendor of the acceptance of the Quote.

3. Descripton of the CI HUB services

The service offered by CI HUB (“CI HUB Service”) is a central service which can be used by a person with a CI HUB ID (“CI HUB User”) that was obtained through the creation of an account with CI HUB. CI HUB Users can access various System Vendors which hold, make available, and store digital assets such as photos, videos, templates, texts, graphics, etc. System Vendors use an API to connect their system to the CI HUB Service. An Integration allows users to access certain functionalities of the System Vendors functions other programs from System Vendors like Adobe, Microsoft, and Google through the products and services of CI HUB.

4. Duration of the agreement and early termination

This agreement takes effect upon acceptance of the Quote by CI HUB and is valid for a minimum period of 12 months and will continue to renew automatically for consecutive 12 month terms unless otherwise specified differently in the Quote. The agreement is automatically renewed for another 12 months unless the System Vendor terminates the agreement at the end of the minimum license term or at the end of a subsequent license period with a notice period of min. 90 days. Before the agreement expires, the System Vendor can receive a notification regarding the upcoming renewal of the agreement at the applicable price pursuant to CI HUB’s price list, which can be viewed at www.ci-hub.com. The termination must be sent to CI HUB GmbH, Benkertstrasse 4, 14467 Potsdam, Germany or sales@ci-hub.com
CI HUB shall be authorised to suspend the fulfilment of the obligations under the Agreement or to dissolve the agreement in the event that:
- the System Vendor does not (fully) fulfil or timely fulfil its obligations resulting from the agreement;
- after the agreement has been concluded, CI HUB learns of circumstances given good ground to fear that the System Vendor will not fulfil its obligations;
- the System Vendor was asked to furnish security to guarantee the fulfilment of its obligations resulting from the agreement when the contract was concluded and that this security has not been provided or is insufficient;
- as a result of delay on the part of the other party CI HUB can no longer be expected to fulfil its obligations under the originally agreed upon conditions, CI HUB is entitled to dissolve the agreement.
The agreement can be terminated by CI HUB immediately for crucial reasons including, but no limited to, bankruptcy, liquidation, judicial management, receivership, or act of insolvency.

5. Force Majeure

CI HUB shall not be held to fulfil any of its obligations towards the other party if it is hindered to do so due to a circumstance through no fault of its own and which cannot be attributed to it by virtue of law, a legal action or generally accepted practice.
In addition to the stipulations of the law and the case law in this respect, force majeure shall in the present Terms and Conditions furthermore be understood to be any external circumstance, be it envisaged or not, on which CI HUB cannot have any influence but which prevents CI HUB from fulfilling its obligations. War, danger of war, riots, epidemics, natural disasters, lockout, transport problems, border closures, government measures home and abroad, fire, strikes and other serious disruptions in CI HUB’s company or third parties. CI HUB shall also be entitled to invoke force majeure if the circumstance rendering (further) fulfilment of the obligation(s) under the agreement impossible, commences after the point in time on which CI HUB should have fulfilled its obligation.
Throughout the duration of the circumstances of force majeure, CI HUB shall be entitled to suspend the fulfilment of its obligations. If this period lasts for more than two months, either of the parties shall be entitled to dissolve the agreement without any obligation to pay the opposite party damages.
Insofar CI HUB has already partially fulfilled its obligations resulting from the agreement at the moment the circumstance of force majeure commenced or shall be able to fulfil them and insofar separate value can be attributed to the part already fulfilled or still to be fulfilled respectively, CI HUB shall be entitled to invoice the part already fulfilled or still to be fulfilled respectively. The other party shall be held to pay this invoice as if it were a separate agreement.

6. Party’s Duties and Obligations

6.1 Development and Integration
Before the System Vendor can connect to the CI HUB system, they must first develop their software to align with the interface requirements of CI HUB. This is essential for seamless connectivity. Each Integration has unique protocols and functionalities, so a separate development is required for each System Vendor. CI HUB will collaborate with the System Vendor to create the necessary development.
All requirements will be provided by CI HUB to the System Vendor for the initial integration (“Onboarding Document”) and ongoing requirements or changes required for maintenance (“Maintenance Document”). These documents form the bases for the Integration and must be completed in detail by the System Vendor before CI HUB can start producing the Integration or maintain the Integration.
As part of the CI HUB Integration development process, the System Vendor will designate a permanent contact person. CI HUB will then request the necessary information from the System Vendor to customise the CI HUB Integration to fit the System Vendor's interface. The System Vendor will supply CI HUB with the relevant information, as well as a test system that includes the necessary data.
The System Vendor's technical staff must make timely and effective contributions for the successful development of the CI HUB Integration. Both parties acknowledge that CI HUB can only provide job functions in the Integration that are supported and error-free in the System Vendor's interface.
The System Vendor agrees that the prices set by the Quote from CI HUB for the production and maintenance of the CI HUB Integration are contingent upon the System Vendor's fulfilment of the cooperation measures outlined in this section. Failure to comply may result in additional expenses invoiced to the System Vendor.
6.2 Modification of the distribution interface
To the extent the System Vendor intends to modify its interface, it must notify CI HUB in advance and provide necessary details for any interface modifications. This is to ensure proper adjustment of CI HUB Integration.
In response to the System Vendor's announcement on interface modifications, CI HUB is committed to promptly adapting the CI HUB Integration. This will be done at least once every 12 months in a mutually agreed maintenance effort. A Maintenance Document will be required by CI HUB.
CI HUB has the authority to update, enhance, and customise the CI HUB Integration as it deems necessary. The services provided by CI HUB are included in the annual fee as described in the Quote. However, if significant changes to the System Vendor's interface are needed, resulting in a fundamental modification of the CI HUB Integration, CI HUB may require an additional fee. This fee is determined based on a cost estimate prepared by CI HUB and provided to the System Vendor.

7. Integration Fee and License Proceeds

To ensure proper functioning and ongoing support for the CI HUB Integration, the System Vendor is required to pay annual fees according to the Quote. Payment is due at the start of each contract year. The specific fee amount for the CI HUB Integration will depend on the chosen functionality level (Basic, Extended, Premium or Custom), as set out in the Quote.
If the System Vendor fails to pay the fee as mentioned in the previous paragraph, or violates any of the terms of the Agreement and does not fix the issue within 30 days after receiving written notification specifying the nature of the breach, or if the Agreement is not renewed, CI HUB has the right to disconnect the System Vendor's CI HUB Integration from the CI HUB platform. In such a situation, CI HUB may choose to keep the System Vendor's CI HUB Integration connected to the CI HUB platform. In this case, the System Vendor gives CI HUB permission to use their logo and product name without any restrictions. This permission will be in effect for as long as CI HUB customers continue to use or want to use the relevant System Vendors CI HUB Integration.

8. Source code documentation

Upon request, CI HUB will grant the System Vendor access to the source code of the System Vendor's CI HUB Integration in a human-readable format. The System Vendor is allowed to utilise the source code solely for the purpose of executing this agreement and is prohibited from sharing it with any third party.
CI HUB can furnish the System Vendor with the source code and documentation for the CI HUB Integration. This can be done through an escrow company, with the System Vendor assuming the associated costs. This provision is in place to safeguard against circumstances such as the insolvency of CI HUB, as defined in the escrow agreement.

9. Maintenance and Support

CI HUB is solely responsible for maintaining the CI HUB software solution, including the CI HUB Integration, connectors, and platform. We continuously release updates with new features, improvements, and bug fixes.
During the agreement, the System Vendor will have an annual maintenance window to update the Integration Partner's connected solution and benefit from new features offered in the CI HUB Connector. This update will only be done if the features and functions are supported by the System Vendors API.
The System Vendor is responsible for offering initial support to customers. They will receive error reports related to the CI HUB software solution from customers. Their objective is to assess these reports and make efforts to find a solution.
In the event that the System Vendor cannot fix any issues with the CI HUB software solution, they have the option to reach out to CI HUB's second-level support team for assistance. To do so, simply send an email to support@ci-hub.com.

10. Limitation of liability

CI HUB takes responsibility for negligence in the event that important contractual obligations are breached by CI HUB, its representatives, employees, or agents. In such cases, CI HUB will be liable for damages that can be reasonably expected. Important contractual obligations are those that are fundamental to the contract, necessary for its formation, and on which the System Vendor relies. However, CI HUB accepts unlimited liability for damages resulting from harm to life, physical well-being, or health caused by CI HUB, its representatives, employees, or agents.

11. Governing Law