Founder-Talk August 2020

COO and founder of CI HUB Jörg Seidler held a founder talk at the pitch night “Rooftop-Talk August 2020” in Potsdam. It was the first pitch event of that kind organized by the Potsdam Science Park together with Potsdam Transfer and the MediaTech Hub Accelerator at the Bildungsforum Potsdam. Five venture capitalists and 8 business angles were listening, when six Start-Ups came on stage pitching their ideas in front of the professional audience.

As an opener, Jörg talked about his experience with CI HUB being in its Start-Up phase. He took his time and answered questions about how to get funded, what the critical steps are and what to avoid in terms of becoming a successful company.

„It was nice to be able to share my experiences with young and motivated founders at the Rooftop Pitch Potsdam 2020”, said Jörg after the event. “I want to thank the Potsdam Science Park together with the Potsdam Transfer and the MediaTech Hub Accelerator for organizing such a great event here in Potsdam. I felt taken back to the time when CI HUB also was a young Start-Up and we were looking for funding.”

After the pitches the event finished off with a cosy get together at the barbecue with lots of interesting conversations at a fantastic location over the roof tops of Potsdam.

Article by
Jörg Seidler

COO & Founder of CI HUBJörg is an automation and data processing engineer with more than 25 years of professional experience in marketing, internet and software development. He has a strong conception and management background to lead a company like CI HUB to succeed. In addition, he has very good contacts in the market relevant to CI HUB due to his many years at iBrams as Key Account Director. Forming and leading teams and working closely with them characterize his working style.