October 01, 2024
It just works! Your Ultimate Tutorial Guide to streamlining your work with the CI HUB Connector
Isn’t it frustrating when the process of creating individual print products using data merge gets too complicated? If you want to make that process a piece of cake now, you can find the ultimate tutorial guide, titled “It just works”, on CI HUB’s brand new tutorial page.
CI HUB Tutorials by Christian Denzler
This new series of video tutorials were created by Christian Denzler/DenzerMedia and its purpose is to provide a quick and easy guide to help with your daily production routine and support your workflow.
Creating semi-automated print products with the CI HUB Connector and Adobe Data Merge
In the 1st episode of the series, discover how simple and easy is to create semi-automated print products with the CI HUB Connector and Adobe Data Merge and get all the insights on how to effectively use this function. The best part is that CI HUB provides the example templates shown in the video for free so you can recreate and practice the entire exercise by yourself.
It just works!
Watch the video and get to know better CI HUB’s new tutorial page.