In this tutorial, we introduce the newly developed bulk operation features of CI HUB Connector Professional, designed to make managing large volumes of assets faster and easier!
Gerd Glaser

How to Manage Assets with the CI HUB Connector in Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator

How to Use Text and Metadata with the CI HUB Connector
Migrating files between different Digital Asset Management (DAM) systems can be convoluted and time-consuming. The process typically involves multiple logins, hopping between numerous windows, and tediously downloading and re-uploading gigabytes of assets.
Gerd Glaser
Make File Migration as Easy as Copy & Paste with CI HUB Drive
When you’re busy juggling a dozen tasks, finding your files quickly is crucial. But if your company keeps assets in different platforms—like a Digital Asset Management (DAM) system, Product Information Management (PIM) system, cloud storage, or stock provider—locating the right file can become a nightmare.
Gerd Glaser
How to Find Your Files with Ease with CI HUB Drive
Today, most companies will use at least one cloud drive or digital asset management system to store assets. But for the average team member looking for a simple file or presentation, the need for multiple log ins and searching through different systems is just too much work.
Gerd Glaser
How to Access Multiple DAMs & Drives on your Desktop with CI HUB Drive
If you have already installed CI HUB Drive, you’ll want to get started with it right away! CI HUB Drive gives you instant access to your DAMs, PIMs, Drives and more on your desktop.
Gerd Glaser

How to Navigate CI HUB Drive
CI HUB Drive is a simple app to access your DAM, PIM and cloud storage systems directly from your desktop. No more log-ins and window hopping to find what you need – just the assets you need right at your fingertips!
Gerd Glaser
How to Install CI HUB Drive

How to Use InDesign Data Merge with the CI HUB Connector
DAM systems can handle identical file names without any problems. But to identify what's behind each asset, you will need to look at the metadata. This works fine within the DAM, but issues arise when a high-res output is needed.
Gerd Glaser
How to manage assets with identical file names
Preparing documents for printing can be a time-consuming task, especially when dealing with multiple digital assets stored in different systems. However, with the CI HUB connector, this process can be significantly streamlined. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use CI HUB to efficiently prepare your documents for printing.
Gerd Glaser
How to Efficiently Prepare Documents for Printing with CI HUB
Sketch is a leading digital design platform, beloved by UI/UX designers. It lets users create quick designs, prototypes and more with both a Mac and web app.
Gerd Glaser
How to Use the CI HUB Connector Plugin with Sketch
The Microsoft Office 365 apps are the industry standard tools for professionals at work. Most companies are using Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook, for their daily operations and collaboration – but one limitation can be accessing and using data from other sources.
Gerd Glaser
Simplify tasks in MS Office 365 with the CI HUB Add-in
Google Workspace applications such as Google Slides, Google Sheets, and Google Docs are among the most popular work apps. Their user-friendly interfaces and collaboration features make them the go-to option for fast-moving teams. But using digital assets and from different content sources within these programs can be challenging.

How to use the CI HUB Connector in Google Slides, Google Sheets and Google Docs
WordPress is a versatile content management system that powers millions of websites across the globe. Its user-friendly interface and extensive plugin ecosystem make it a top choice for bloggers, businesses, and developers alike.

How to manage your assets in WordPress with the CI HUB Connector

How to Use CI HUB Connector Plugin for Figma
CI HUB recently hosted an incredible Outlook 24 event at AXICA in the heart of Berlin, and we would like to thank all our partners, integrators, and resellers for your amazing support.
Gerd Glaser
Outlook 24 Partner Statement Gert Fahrnberger, Smint.io
CI HUB recently hosted an incredible Outlook 24 event at AXICA in the heart of Berlin, and we would like to thank all our partners, integrators, and resellers for your amazing support.
Gerd Glaser
Outlook 24 Partner Statement Alex Pulvermüller, AdmiralCloud
CI HUB recently hosted an incredible Outlook 24 event at AXICA in the heart of Berlin, and we would like to thank all our partners, integrators, and resellers for your amazing support.
Gerd Glaser
Outlook 24 Partner Statement Melanie Schedl, Celum
CI HUB recently hosted an incredible Outlook 24 event at AXICA in the heart of Berlin, and we would like to thank all our partners, integrators, and resellers for your amazing support.
Gerd Glaser
Outlook 24 Partner Statement Roland Kannappel, Brix
WordPress 6.2 ist schon bald da, geplant ist der Release für den 28. März. Mit WordPress 6.2 kommt noch einmal eine geballte Ladung Full Site Editing. Was genau neu ist, zeige ich dir in diesem Video.
Gerd Glaser
WordPress 6.2 – das erwartet dich im nächsten Update!
Etwas mehr als ein Drittel aller Websites wurden mit WordPress gebaut. Aber warum eigentlich? Was unterscheidet WordPress so krass von allen anderen CMS? Dieser Frage bin ich in diesem Video nachgegangen.
Gerd Glaser
WordPress vs. Wix, Squarespace und Co. - was ist anders?
Gutenberg, der Editor von WordPress, hat seit seiner Einführung 2018 grosse Fortschritte gemacht. Nach dem State of the Word 2022 wurde klar; Bald startet das Gutenberg-Projekt in die nächste Phase. Aber was heisst das genau? Das erkläre ich dir in diesem Video. Es geht unter anderem um tolle Updates für Publisher, Blogger und Teams!
Gerd Glaser
Die nächste Gutenberg-Phase
One access to your digital asset ecosystem:
CI HUB is the world's leading provider of in-app connectivity software. Manage and use content from source systems like DAM, PIM, cloud storage, stock provider, and work management systems within your favorite apps.
The CI HUB Connector is available for apps from Adobe Creative Cloud, Microsoft Office 365, and Google Workspace, as well as for WordPress, SharePoint, Figma, or Sketch, and it allows multiple simultaneous connections.
Whether you work in the creative department, planning, sales, documentation, or digital rights management – you access verified and compliant content in real-time.
Accessing source systems via a web browser was done yesterday. Accessing content and tasks within applications is the new way to work.

Focus on your creativity by using the CI HUB Connector
Wer ein WordPress-Plugin sucht, hat oft ein Problem: Zu viel Auswahl! Dabei ist es ganz leicht, gute WordPress-Plugins zu finden. Mit diesen 4 Indikatoren wird's ganz einfach.
Gerd Glaser
4 Tipps für gute WordPress-Plugins
Am Dienstag, 1. November, kommt WordPress 6.1 raus. In diesem Video zeige ich dir, was dich erwartet mit dem Update. Die Updates umfassen unter anderem das neue Theme «Twenty Twenty-Three», neue Design-Möglichkeiten in Gutenberg, dort aber auch Anpassungen im User Interface. Auch im Bereich Full Site Editing gibt es neue Features, zum Beispiel Templates für Nicht-Block-Themes!
Gerd Glaser
WordPress 6.1 – das erwartet dich im Update
Have you ever caught yourself searching for images available to fit into your PowerPoint presentations for endless hours, wasting your time and money? If your answer is yes then you will love the PRO extension of the CI HUB Connector which just launched.
Gerd Glaser
CI HUB Connector PRO for Microsoft PowerPoint - The Ultimate Video Guide
Do you want to get rid of these annoying missing links in your Adobe Premiere Projects? Just install the CI HUB Connector from the Adobe Exchange Store and watch this video by Gerd Glaser, Head of Customer Success at CI HUB GmbH, on how to proceed.
{% module_block module "widget_3294e31e-f2c6-4ba2-8b01-99e7587a5c93" %}{% module_attribute "child_css" is_json="true" %}{% raw %}null{% end_module_attribute %}{% module_attribute "css" is_json="true" %}null{% end_module_attribute %}{% module_attribute "embed_field" is_json="true" %}{"source_type":"html","embed_html":" Gerd Glaser
Tips & Tricks from CI HUB: Smart Media Linking in Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects.
Neulich hat Elementor die Beta Version 3.8 veröffentlicht. Die zwei grössten Neuerungen solltest du dir unbedingt ansehen: den Loop Builder und auch die Flexbox Container. Schau rein!
Gerd Glaser
Elementor 3.8 Beta – das sind die grossen Updates des Jahres!
Der Elementor lädt automatisch Google Fonts. Das ist jedoch mit der DSGVO problematisch. Um auf der sicheren Seite zu sein, solltest du die Fonts lokal laden. In diesem Video erfährst du, wie's geht.
Gerd Glaser
Google Fonts aus Elementor entfernen (DSGVO)
Wer kennt diesen Moment nicht? Du lernst eine neue Funktion von einer Software und denkst dir nur so: "Mensch, das hätte ich gerne früher gewusst". Dieses Video hilft dir dabei, diese kleinen, aber feinen Tricks nicht zu verpassen!
Gerd Glaser
WordPress-Tricks – kennst du diese Funktionen schon?
Wenn man WordPress mit anderen CMS in den Quervergleich nimmt, hat WordPress oft einen grossen Nachteil: Die Seiten sind langsam. Aber das lässt sich lösen! In diesem Video erfährst du Top-Tipps für besseren Page Speed mit WordPress.
Gerd Glaser
WordPress schneller machen – Tipps für besseren Page-Speed
Was macht ein gutes WordPress-Theme aus? Welche Wahl habe ich da überhaupt? Und wie kann ich ein Theme wechseln? Diese Fragen beantwortet Simea Merki im neuen Video.
Gerd Glaser
WordPress Theme finden und wechseln
Etwas, was viele an WordPress so richtig begeistert ist die Möglichkeit, Inhalte richtig sinnvoll und sauber aufzubauen. Wenn du irgendwelche Inhalte cool auflisten musst, dann geht das mit Custom Post Types. Was diese können und wie du sie baust, zeigt dir Simea Merki in diesem Video.
Gerd Glaser
Inhalte in WordPress RICHTIG aufbauen – Custom Post Types Tutorial
Mit den neuen WordPress-Updates im Block Editor wird Gutenberg zur Konkurrenz für Page-Builder. Was ist besser? Gutenberg oder Elementor?
Gerd Glaser
Gutenberg vs. Elementor – was ist besser?
Die Block-Vorlagen in WordPress sind ein wunderbares Tool, um im Block-Editor ansprechende Layouts zu bauen. Doch was sind sie genau? Und wo finde ich sie? Und wie registriere ich eigene Block-Vorlagen? In diesem Video erhältst du die komplette Einführung.
Gerd Glaser
Block Patterns (Vorlagen) im Block Editor – So nutzt und erstellst du sie

Where to find CI HUB

How to install CI HUB
In this video tutorial you discover how to navigate within the CI HUB Connector and learn about the options available to every user!
Gerd Glaser
How to navigate the CI HUB Connector – Part 1
Learn how to access all of your connections through the navigation of the CI HUB Connector step by step, in a detailed tutorial, by Gerd Glaser and discover CI HUB Connectors full potential.
Gerd Glaser
How to navigate the CI HUB Connector – Part 2
We explains the different menus, settings and function calls in the CI HUB Connector. Part 3 covers the Detail section with – Open in Browser – Use and update files – Similarity Search – Metadata settings and Metadata use.
Gerd Glaser
How to navigate the CI HUB Connector – Part 3
In this feature shorty, you can learn how to monitor the effective ppi using the CI HUB Smart Link Tab. Having total quality control regarding “minimum resolution” is beneficial during the layout process.
Gerd Glaser
CI HUB Feature Shorty: Monitor the effective ppi
Nothing increases the value of your digital assets more than applicable metadata content. And I'm not just talking about copyright notices or modified dates.
Gerd Glaser
CI HUB Feature Shorty: Dynamic Custom Metadata
In this feature shorty, you can learn how to clear your temporary cache within the CI HUB Connector. CI HUB has developed a clever solution to get an overview of files that you may have modified but have not yet been saved on your target system (DAM, cloud storage, etc.). That helps make your DAM the “single source of truth”.
Gerd Glaser
CI HUB Feature Shorty: How to clear temporary cache

How to use the CI HUB Check Panel
How to install and use the CI HUB Connector in Google Workspace Apps (Google Slides, Google Sheets, and Google Docs)
Gerd Glaser
CI HUB Connector Plugin for Google Workspace Apps
Keep last selected Renditions, Large Files in Microsoft Office 365, Thumbnail Support for Adobe InCopy ICML-Files and more…
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CI HUB Release Notes v01.02.48
This is a short introduction to the CI HUB Connector Plugin for Figma
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CI HUB Connector Plugin for Figma
Microsoft PowerPoint is one of the key tools for every office. But creating presentations can become a challenge when you need to source images from different drives, DAMs or other resources. In this video, you will learn how to use the CI HUB add-in for Microsoft PowerPoint to access and incorporate images quickly and texts from various systems directly within your presentations.
Gerd Glaser
How to connect different systems simultaneously & place images in PowerPoint
Attaching files in Outlook sounds easy right? Unfortunately, it can be trickier than it seems, and often leads to frustrating delays. Finding what you need means switching between windows, searching for the files on your computer, DAM or other cloud storage and then struggling to get them into your email.
However, CI HUB makes it simple to search, browse, and attach files into Outlook emails. In this video, you will learn how to use the CI HUB add-in for Outlook to easily access and attach files from multiple systems.
Gerd Glaser
How to search, browse and drag & drop files to your email without ever leaving Outlook
SharePoint is the beating heart of companies around the world - one of the best and most reliable web-based collaborative platforms on the market. But often, companies have assets and content stored in different sources - from DAMs to drives, stock providers and more. Accessing this content through Sharepoint can be tricky and time consuming. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
With the CI HUB Connector, its easy to access your content, wherever its stored directly on your SharePoint. In this video, we will show you how to get started with the CI HUB add-in for Sharepoint and explain how to use it best for your work.
Gerd Glaser