May 09, 2022
It just works - Episode 1: Creating semi-automated print products using the CI HUB Connector
In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how you can easily create semi-automated print products using the CI HUB Connector, a cloud storage of your choice, and the data merge function of Adobe InDesign. We will begin by creating a simple business card, then progress to a more complex brochure with individual product cards using the data merge. By the end of the video tutorial, you will have gained key insights into the effective use of this function. The example templates shown are provided by CI HUB free of charge, so that you can recreate and practice the entire exercise.
Find all the information and download the material free of charge
How does it work?
The whole experience is just as easy and quick as it is working with the CI HUB Connector:
- Download the templates and working files
- Watch the tutorial
- Recreate it yourself
Have fun with it and let us know about your experience.
Video & Script by Christian Denzler • Spoken by Phungi-spricht.de

Article by
Christian Denzler
Christian Denzler originally graduated as a media designer, but has instead been working in the field of database-driven and digital publishing for years. He has gained his experience in premedia companies, printing houses, and advertising agencies. He is the author of the CI HUB Connector User Guide and the manual: "Affinity Publisher - Das umfassende Handbuch" released by Rheinwerk Publishing.