October 01, 2024

Wrap up video of the Adobe MAX 2023 event

CI HUB was attending Adobe MAX 2023 together with Fadel

This really lived up to its billing as one of the must-attend events for the creative world and of course, AI was front and center…more about that later.

We would like to take the time to thank all of the visitors to the booth, it was really amazing to hear how the CI HUB Connector is helping you.

Thanks as well to all the people who signed up for our virtual booth and our session, what a lively Q&A session!

We were really humbled by the feedback and the love from users, partners, and everyone that we got the chance to interact with.

Here are the topics that we covered:

  • Sharing creative work, everywhere with everyone
  • Organize and control your versions
  • Adapt and simplify
  • Push, share and save time
  • Unify tools to boost creativity
  • Check, link and er-link your assets
  • Master your presentations
  • Unleash your creativity
  • Introducing the CI HUB Connector Corporate

Interested to learn more? Then read our wrap up of Adobe MAX 2023!