October 01, 2024

Adobe MAX London – Make your Creative Genius seen!

The Adobe MAX event series are among the top creative events of the year. On Tuesday, 23 April 2024 Adobe MAX, the Creativity Conference takes part in London. CI HUB is going to be there at Booth #A1 to show you how to make your creative genius seen!

To work at your best, you want to spend as much time as possible in creative mode, not distribution mode. But while that crazy state of flow can help you to Michaelangelo a new David (yes, I just verbed a name), it can also mean you forget to make that masterpiece seen and used by everybody.

This is where using the right non-interruptive tool is key. And that tool might just have a 4.8 out of 5 rating on Adobe Exchange 🙂 and be called the CI HUB Connector


Make your Creative Genius Seen

At Adobe MAX London, we will be demoing this secret productivity hack of leading creatives. See how you can create the smoothest creative flow, from design through to distribution, and marvel at the time you'll save to give the rest of your company easy access to your creative genius!


Join MAX London at

Evolution London
Queenstown Road
Chelsea Bridge
SW11 4NJ



Working with your Digital Assets ecosystem to share your Brand

Mark your calendar for the breakout session by Andreas Michalski, CEO and founder of CI HUB live on stage on April 23, 13:00 - 14:00 BST (14:00 - 15:00 CEST), titled 'Working with your Digital Assets ecosystem to share your Brand'

Crafting beautiful artwork or crafting impactful communication can be an immensely enjoyable process. Yet managing assets, keeping track of tasks, and meeting deadlines can sometimes turn it into a daunting chore. For artists and designers, efficient data management and seamless access to digital assets, references, and inspirations are crucial.


Make sure you join us at the booth in this fantastic location, but in the meantime, why not try out the CI HUB Connector for yourself?