CI HUB sponsoring Adobe MAX in Miami

The CI HUB Team will be at Adobe MAX from 14 - 16th October and enjoying its new location in Miami as a proud sponsor.


CI HUB Shines at Adobe MAX Miami as a proud Sponsor

After years of Adobe MAX being in LA, they have decided to change coasts but stuck with the sunshine, by heading to Miami. We will be again attending with a fantastic booth, worth the entrance fee alone ;) and showing the attendees exactly what is new with the CI HUB Connector Family.

As more details are available, we will update this blog but so was not to miss out, why not join our Newsletter so you are the first to know. If you are a partner of CI HUB, why not connect with us about extra opportunities. If you have just love Miami and want to give us some tips about the best restaurants on Calle Ocho or anything else, feel free.

We are already excited!


Adobe MAX Miami 2024 promotional code


Article by
Gerd Glaser

CSO, Chief Sales OfficerGerd Glaser has 25 years of experience in the marketing and communications industry. He has worked as a founder and managing director of agencies and as an external consultant for leading companies. He has extensive knowledge of digital asset management, workflow management and is an expert on Adobe products.