
Our Trusted Reseller

If you're looking to implement CI HUB into your existing workflow,our Resellers can help you get started.

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CI HUB | Resellers | w&co


If you're looking to implement CI HUB into your existing workflow,our Resellers can help you get started.

w&co is a leading German integrator for DAM, PIM, ECM, and DBP.

w&co is a leading integrator of systems for digital asset management (DAM), product information management (PIM), enterprise content management (ECM), and database publishing (DBP) in Germany. The company maintains long-standing partnerships with leading software producers.

Well-known clients include publishing houses, manufacturers, and retailers. These companies, many of them active internationally, value w&co‘s holistic care and attention to creating and refining content and publishing it across all relevant communication channels in marketing campaigns.

Thanks to its outstanding expertise in media production,  w&co is intimately familiar with its customers‘ needs and generates added value where others only see features. As a result, the systems implemented are never an end in themselves, but tools for system-supported product communication and marketing automation.

w&co MediaServices GmbH & Co KG

Don’t search, just use.

CI HUB connects all kinds of brand assets spread across various locations to the relevant people. Assets become easily available in your favorite creative or productive applications. This makes you even more creative and productive and improves efficiency and accuracy.

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