October 01, 2024
The NEW Pimcore integration releases premium features to all
Pimcore's integration with CI HUB moves from Extended to Premium, thanks to Brand Oriented, find out what that means for Pimcore users...hint it means a lot more benefits!
Together with Brand Oriented, we have built a new integration to Pimcore, which now supports the full functionality of CI HUB.
From Extended to Premium: Pimcore's Advanced Integration with CI HUB Redefines User Experience
The new premium level integration of the CI HUB Connector allows the use of all assets from Pimcore V11 and enables the Drag/Drop, and use of Metadata.
Previously our Pimcore integration was an Extended integration and with this update, they have moved to a Premium integration.
To see the difference, please visit this page
This was built due to many requests from happy users of Pimcore and that is why we decided to expedite this with the Brand Oriented team. When users want the full capabilities of CI HUB accessible in their system, we love to be able to integrate more deeply into their host system and fully unleash the advantages that CI HUB connectors bring.
Access it on GitHub
The New Integration requires two Pimcore Connector Bundles, these are available directly on Github. Please follow the links:
The new Pimcore Integration was built together with Brand Oriented and will, of course, be fully supported by the Team of Pimcore Experts from our Partner.
Please direct all questions about the Pimcore Connector Bundles to the Pimcore Bundle discussion board: https://github.com/BrandOriented/PimcoreCiHubConnector/discussions
The amazing team from Brand Oriented will help with any custom implementations, adaptations, or integrations in regards to all aspects of Pimcore.
The previous Version of the Pimcore Connector Bundles provided by CI HUB will be replaced with the new version.
The Previous Pimcore Connector Bundles will be no longer available on GitHub as of 1.February. 2024.