CI HUB announces a new integration with Dropbox

CI HUB is now one of the fully integrated marketing tools in Dropbox. CI HUB can now offer a wider range of support to decisionmakers in companies and agencies. 

CI HUB product screen with Dropbox

This is especially interesting for business entities in the film and video production industries, who have to administer and manage great amounts of content over many different processes and platforms. To keep track of and generate CI-conform material out of these inputs is often a challenge, due to the fact that many companies have their content stored on various different, only separately accessible platforms – e.g. data asset management or product information management systems. 

CI HUB product screen with dropbox

With the CI HUB content integration panel subscribers can now also integrate Dropbox and the data stored there into their utilized and preferred tools and processes – e.g. Adobe Premiere Pro, Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, even Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, and Excel. Users can also search across multiple Dropbox accounts and select previous edits using Dropbox version history – without having to leave the used application. 

All in all, the CI HUB product can now generate interlinked service ecosystems that help to streamline distributed content production processes and creatives easier.

More information you will find here.



Gerd Glaser

Article by

Gerd Glaser

CXO, Chief Experience OfficerGerd Glaser has 25 years of experience in the marketing and communications industry. He has worked as a founder and managing director of agencies and as an external consultant for leading companies. He has extensive knowledge of digital asset management, workflow management and is an expert on Adobe products.