
Our Trusted Reseller

If you're looking to implement CI HUB into your existing workflow,our Resellers can help you get started.

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CI HUB | Resellers | Topix AG

Topix AG

If you're looking to implement CI HUB into your existing workflow,our Resellers can help you get started.

Topix AG, based in St.Gallen, was founded in 1989 and is a leading provider of IT solutions for media production, marketing and communication in Switzerland. As a specialist in this field, Topix AG offers concepts, solutions and services for agencies, media service providers, printers, publishers, marketing and communications departments of small, medium-sized and large companies.

Our motto: We want your success. That’s why we listen very carefully first. Because our IT solutions support what you know and can do best: Your daily business. Perfect fit, effective and stable. This is what we have been living for as an implementation and service partner for over 30 years.



Topix AG


Don’t search, just use.

CI HUB connects all kinds of brand assets spread across various locations to the relevant people. Assets become easily available in your favorite creative or productive applications. This makes you even more creative and productive and improves efficiency and accuracy.

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