October 01, 2024

HSE Webinar – Powerful and easy ways to use Rights Management for your Assets within Adobe and Microsoft Creative Tools!


Knowing when, where and how your assets can be used is quite a mystery during the creative process. Join this webinar to learn how your organization can manage their rights use with a combination of best in class tools. Creating artwork will be safe and compliant regardless of what tool you are using, Adobe Creative Cloud and Microsoft Office 365 tools – from InDesign to Photoshop to PowerPoint.

Creative Directors and DAM Managers no longer have to figure out the contractual terms of an asset. Knowing your rights has never been this easy!

Get a free trial of Rights Cloud at fadel.com/community-edition/
To install the Adobe CI HUB Plugin go here
Install the Microsoft Plugin just here

The Q&A of the Event:

Where are the contracts stored? How does the rights information get extracted from the contract into Rights Cloud? 
General information about the Agreements, e.g. party, type and dates, is stored in Rights Cloud along with the Rights information, which typically takes the format of Territory, Usage and In/Out Date. The actual contract document can be attached in Rights Cloud, but we typically only store the rights related data. Agreement and Rights information can be entered into Rights Cloud manually, uploaded in bulk in a spreadsheet format or ingested via an API connection. FADEL also provides Librarian services to help facilitate the process or extract and enter the information. 

If an asset is red, can a designer still link it in the design file? 
Yes. We think that the designer should be able to continue his work without any restrictions from the system. As we offer the function to check the rights at any stage in the design process, he can make sure that all rights are finally cleared before the production.

Looks great for images, very impressive.  can you talk to how you handle video?
The CI HUB asset panel is supported in Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects with the same level of functionality available within the other creative tools. Video is basically a series of individual assets and components. Each component, e.g. video clips, music, voiceover, etc. can be stored as an individual asset and tied to the agreements for the contributors. These components can then be grouped into a composite asset which can then be cleared for rights as a whole, or at the component level. Alternatively, just the final video asset can be stored, and tied to all agreements related to the video in order to provide availability for the video.

Can you track all the publications (or usage) of photo currently active? Can you then identify for one image with rights expiring, which publication should be removed?
Yes, Rights Cloud does feature content tracking tools which can monitor distribution sites to find published images and check them for violations or expirations. We would be happy to demonstrate the content tracking capability to you. In addition, the CI HUB Connector also support the update of cross-referencing functions if the connected System supports this. This will allow you to have the full transparency of all uses of an individual asset. We would be happy to demonstrate the content tracking capability to you. 

How much staff does it take to manage the rights side? We find that regardless of this, we rarely get contracts signed, releases, etc. How do you ensure data is complete and updated?
While it is fairly easy to enter agreement and rights data in Rights Cloud, there is typically some business process engineering which needs to be considered to ensure that the proper people who have access to the agreement and rights information are capturing it as part of their process. This is may be a brand manager, producer, agency, etc. The best practice is to try and capture this information as early as possible in the process at the time of engagement with the talent, so that when content is produced, the rights have already been stored and can easily be attached to the incoming content.   

Are all of these rights’ management features available for video as well?
The CI HUB asset panel is supported in Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects with the same level of functionality available within the other creative tools. Video is basically a series of individual assets and components. Each component, e.g., video clips, music, voiceover, etc. can be stored as an individual asset and tied to the agreements for the contributors. These components can then be grouped into a composite asset which can then be cleared for rights as a whole, or at the component level. Alternatively, just the final video asset can be stored, and tied to all agreements related to the video in order to provide availability for the video.

Does this integrate into Adobe’s Brand Portal?
If we see interest from potential Users for an Adobe AEM Integration, then we will also offer an CI HUB Integration to Adobe AEM Assets. Rights Cloud already has an Adobe AEM Assets integration. Please let us know if Adobe AEM is from interest for you. 

I’m interested in reporting capabilities. For example, is it possible to provide a report showing assets, by market or region, that will be expiring in the next 90 days?
Yes! Rights Cloud features numerous reports which provide details on agreements, assets and clearance requests, including Expiration reports which can show agreements or assets expiring within a certain time frame. Reports can be exported from the system or in some cases subscribed to via email.

Is all of that info under “rights” customizable? We shy away from using “digital” because it tends to be too generic.
Yes, absolutely! The rights hierarchies in Rights Cloud are hierarchical and fully configurable and therefore allow for the granularity and specificity you may need in your rights details.

Thanks! Do you integrate with ESM Contract Management System?
Yes, Rights Cloud can integrate with any contract management system that can utilize Rights Cloud’s open APIs for agreement creation. 

Is Adobe XD supported?
CI HUB will introduce a new CI HUB Connector for Design Tools in 2021. This will include Figma, Sketch and Adobe XD. 

This looks easy, but it always does in a demo. If we wanted to link our DAM, Adobe products, and Microsoft to Fadel via CI HUB, what is the level of complexity to do this and what is the full implementation timeline typically look like? We have a DAM, Adobe, and Microsoft, but not CI HUB or Fadel (yet). Where do you even start?
We love this question  If you spend 5 minutes, you can do the same we dig in the demo:

1: go to https://ci-hub.com/user-registration  and follow the instructions
2: install your CI HUB Connector on https://exchange.adobe.com
3: Setup your Rights Cloud at https://fadel.com/community-edition/

Don’t wait, start today with a free trial of everything shown in the demo, and/or contact us to help you get started. We are here to help.

Do we need to hire someone for all the data entry that goes into the Rights Cloud?
Typically, the rights entry is done by someone who is already part of the process for engaging with talent, for example a brand or talent manager or a producer.  

Does your integration maintain link management so if an asset is versioned, you’ll be notified within the extension that the asset is updated? 
Yes, CI HUB Connectors “Link Manager” gives you full control of your asset and its relation to the original version. CI HUB will notify you if the Original asset is changes in your DAM or Dropbox and offers a “one click” to replace it with the latest version. This works in all of the supported Adobe Products (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere Pro and InCopy) and in addition as long as the updated asset has the same DAM ID, it will also automatically have the same rights available as the original. 

Does the software allow us to protect the images from being used by others if we shared with a supplier or trade partner? We share images with partners but want them to be protected by the embargo of product launch dates.
Yes! Rights Cloud’s content tracking features can monitor partner sites for your assets and inform you when assets are found on the partner site and whether or not they are violating any agreements or are expired or expiring soon.

How is the association between the rights cloud asset and the stored asset managed?
The connection is made via the external DAM ID. This ID is stored in Rights Cloud with the asset, and also in CI-HUB, so no matter where you are looking at the asset from, the DAM, Rights Cloud or CI-Hub, you are always referencing the same assets, and therefore have the correct pointer to the rights.