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Santa Cruz Software Alternatives: Find The Best Connector For Your DAM

Written by Michael Wilkinson | May 27, 2024 1:12:05 PM

Choosing the suitable DAM connector can be the difference between your tools working in harmony or causing chaos. And with content creation no longer just for marketers, everyone needs easy access to your DAM, whatever they are doing.

This is where a dependable connector comes into play. It’s vital in maximizing your workflow eliminating the gap between your digital asset management system and the most common work tools. Two popular connectors are from Santa Cruz Software and CI HUB. But which is the best on the market? Let’s look at the key features and benefits of both.



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When you use your favorite work software, from Microsoft Word to Photoshop, a connector plugin makes accessing the assets in your DAM, PIM, or Cloud easy. It does this by adding a small window to the program you are using so you can find what you need without interrupting your workflow and searching in a new window for what you need.

Here are the plugins offered by Santa Cruz Software and CI HUB:







Santa Cruz Software offers some Adobe Creative Cloud, Microsoft Office, and Google Workspace. However, CI HUB’s range of plugins covers all of these tools, plus a wide range of others, including Figma, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, and Sketch.



In many industries, businesses use multiple forms of data asset management to store different assets. Some require centralized and secured storage, whereas some projects require cloud-based accessibility. Wherever your data is stored, a connector makes finding and accessing it easier for everyone.

Here are the integrations to DAMs and Clouds offered by Santa Cruz Software and CI HUB:




Santa Cruz Software offers a reasonable number of integrations for DAMs and Cloud storage; however, CI HUB offers a significantly wider range and is constantly adding new integrations. If your company is using a DAM or Cloud that is not currently on this list, you can contact CI HUB today to discuss adding this coverage as well.



PIM software streamlines and organizes product information collection, monitoring, and distribution across multiple platforms. In contrast to more creative DAM systems, PIM specializes in organizing and managing exact product information such as descriptions, specifications, and prices.

Here are the current integrations to PIMs from Santa Cruz Software and CI HUB:




Santa Cruz does not publicly state that its connector supports any PIM systems, while CI HUB offers connectors to three of the main PIM software.



Work Management Tools

Work management software is becoming an essential lynchpin to working processes. Statistics suggest a tremendous increase in their use, with the project management software industry expected to reach an astonishing $15.08 billion by 2030. This growth underscores the need for more efficient workflows.

Here are the integrations to work management tools offered by Santa Cruz Software and CI HUB:




Santa Cruz doesn't offer connectors for these work management tools, while CI HUB has created integrations for Asana and Workfront. CI HUB plans to add integrations for many more in the future—find out when to join our newsletter and get the latest updates!



Integrations for Stock Providers

Imagine searching for the ideal image within your work app or design software without transferring between tabs. With a connector for stock providers, you can simply drag and drop images into your design or presentation.

Here are the current Stock Provider integrations from Santa Cruz Software and CI HUB:




While Santa Cruz Software does not currently offer access to stock image providers, CI HUB connects to the largest in the market, including Getty Images, Adobe Stock, and Shutterstock.



Digital Rights Management Software

Brand consistency and copyright compliance are critical. As the number of creative works grows, robust digital rights management (DRM) systems like Fadel become increasingly necessary for easy distribution.

These technologies encourage teams to uphold brand integrity by ensuring everybody utilizes authorized resources. Implementing Digital Rights Management (DRM) Software allows you to build an inspiring and ethical environment. Currently, CI HUB offers access to Fadel, a leading DRM software provider.





Website Integration

Having a connector to your DAM or cloud storage can be a huge help when creating a new website or updating an existing one. While Santa Cruz Software focuses on connecting to design software like Photoshop or Illustrator, CI HUB now also provides a connector for WordPress, one of the most popular website CMSs.





Security: ISO Certification

CI HUB's ISO accreditation gives it a considerable advantage in terms of data security. It has a track record of adhering to tight security protocols, which helps to build user trust. While Santa Cruz does not follow ISO standards, it does offer features like secure login procedures, encryption techniques, and access controls to protect user data.




Feature Breakdown By Category Between CI HUB & Santa Cruz Software

CI HUB aims to offer a single solution for multiple connections at every stage of your work process. In addition to connecting your storage system and work tools, the best connectors can go a step further, integrating Print Services, Generative AI Capabilities, Single Sign-On Authorization (SSO), and more.

Here is a breakdown of the additional features offered by Santa Cruz Software and CI HUB:








Conclusion: Choosing The Right Connector For You

Santa Cruz Software and CI HUB both offer DAM connectors with unique features. However, in this head-to-head comparison created in May 2024 using openly available data sources, we see that CI HUB provides a far more comprehensive range of integrations for DAMs, PIMs, and cloud storage, as well as for work management tools, stock providers, DRM software, and website CMS. 

CI HUB offers the strongest product range if you are looking for a tool that can truly connect your workflows, from data storage to work apps and more.